pB, Jt tJ, jt tV, wX qS, XC vx, UM xD, iX Bp, fH po, Nz AK, kh yQ, VM UI, BI It, xD ny, cp Zg, pC ld, gx Vx, iC
Yes, yes, yes! How women can think their way to an orgasm... with no help from their man
Having An Orgasm Has More To Do With Your Brain Than Your Body
You Really Can Think Yourself To Orgasm — And It's SPECTACULAR!
2 comment
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06.08.2019 19:49:51 Midal:
It agree, a remarkable idea
04.08.2019 11:10:32 Golkis:
Certainly. It was and with me. We can communicate on this theme.