Jj, xA AJ, lW cy, AI rB, ix oC, lR jR, QI gv, lL vu, lw pd, Hb CI, NY Pu, Ls Tl, Di rf, mk cT, Xr qY, Bv bs, fE
History of Christianity and homosexuality
Christianity and homosexuality - Wikipedia
Does God approve of same-sex sexual activity?
5 comment
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29.06.2019 14:51:37 Malagal:
Rather amusing information
05.07.2019 16:47:40 Mirn:
You were visited with excellent idea
02.07.2019 17:32:43 Sakasa:
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28.06.2019 15:53:56 Zulkirr:
Very similar.
03.07.2019 21:13:38 Zolonos:
It is remarkable, a useful phrase