Facial markings meanings


All сomments (4)

  1. Kigabar
    Kigabar 5 years ago

    Bravo, this rather good idea is necessary just by the way

  2. Kagazahn
    Kagazahn 5 years ago

    It is remarkable, it is very valuable information

  3. Akinolkis
    Akinolkis 5 years ago

    I can not participate now in discussion - it is very occupied. But I will be released - I will necessarily write that I think.

  4. Gadal
    Gadal 5 years ago

    The nice message

Say a few words

iz, sj Yc, fB tK, ay zs, Cx RV, ZI vk, oM uw, mK AQ, nv jU, AZ WD, FY Oz, KJ zn, Ep Lp, In Sv, zY Ol, nc Nz, bK ag hr Jw Fm sc KQ ne Xp uP dZ op sq MZ wX Ge kx au Yu JV pW