Tattooed polynesian women nude

433 2 years ago
Shortly before my interview with six Europeans at a roundtable in Germany, I gently covered my hand tattoo with a skin-toned foundation. I knew that without the proper context, they would stereotype me in the western sense and presume me either a criminal or at least uneducated or unprofessional. A perception of tattooing common on that side of the world. But the tattoo or tatau in Samoan which they may have found offensive in their worldview, was treasured in mine, the Samoan culture.
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101 Polynesian Tattoo Design Ideas For Girls and Boys

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Polynesian Tattoo Design Ideas For Girls and Boys

Unfortunately, there's a very pervasive myth that darker skin tones cannot accommodate colorful tattoos. This makes color tattoo inspiration for folks with dark skin harder to find — and once they do find a design they love, it can be even trickier to find an artist who knows how to do the job effectively. Yes, it's true that colorful inks will not show up on more melanated skin the same way they do on lighter skin tones — but that doesn't mean the colors won't be visible at all, or we should just stick to black and gray ink. If that were the case, tattoo artists like the ones featured in this article simply would not have a job: A lot of their work involves tattooing vibrant ink on clients with brown skin.
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Polynesian Designs

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Tattoos are a huge part of Polynesian culture. Similar to the Maori tattoo, they are worn with great pride and really connect the wearer with their roots. For those with a Polynesian heritage, they can make a great first tattoo, or indeed part of all your other tattoos. These eye catching designs ahead are some of the best.
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