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125 2 years ago
Motherhood is hard. And as it just so happens, there are plenty of jokes and puns that are sure to make any mom smile! Take a gander at our list of jokes about mom and pick out your favorite wisecracks to share with mom over brunch. What did the baby corn say to the mama corn? There are at least seven species that eat their young. Your mom may be one of them.
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10 Things Our Moms Used To Beat The Living Daylights Out Of All Of Us

Have you noticed that your butt is flatter after pregnancy? Wondering what happened? And more importantly, what you can do about it? Your butt fat or if you want to be fancy: gluteofemoral fat is especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids essential to infant brain development. These fat supplies are tapped during pregnancy and lactation. During lactation, in particular, gluteofemoral fat is preferentially mined to extract these brain-building fatty acids.
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A How-To Guide for Parenting When You're Sick

We may receive a commission on purchases made from links. Mother's Day is an opportunity to celebrate all the mothers and mom figures in your life. Of course, that means your OG mom — a.
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Warning: This post contains topics of verbal abuse, domestic abuse, anti-trans, and anti-gay comments. Please proceed with caution. You don't get to sit here and demand things from your family without showing an equal amount of respect for them, and clearly, she doesn't understand that.
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