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41 2 years ago
Follow Redbook on Pinterest for more ideas! With a tiny palm tree inked on your finger, you'll never feel too far from the beach. Whether you're a Harry Potter buff or just think the Deathly Hallows symbol looks really neat, this small tat is definitely a unique option. For a subtle in memoriam tattoo — or even to honor someone who's still living — you can have something in their handwriting inscribed on you. Many of the astrological symbols look really cool, and Capricorn is no exception.
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While women have been getting tattooed in Native American, Maori and other cultures for thousands of years, tattooed women have only been a part of the Western world for the last hundred years. The first tattooed Western women in America were those who performed in sideshow and vaudeville acts during the late 19th century. The tattooed women of this time were an extreme taboo to the rigid gender norms of Victorian society, however, this allowed tattooed women like Nora Hildebrandt and Irene Woodward to monetize off their mystique. Throughout the s and s, the tattooed ladies continued to perform in sideshows around the country but by the time World War II came to an end, the circus scene began to fade out and tattooed women went underground. Many of the women who performed in sideshows picked up tattooing as a profession, with some learning the trade from their significant others. It wasn't until the new millennium that tattooed women came back into the spotlight, as reality television capitalized on the tattoo craze of the early to mid s. Von D and Massacre allowed society to see tattooed women as multi-dimensional human beings and inspired more women than ever to go under the needle.
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