Although it's not always included in the conversation about safe sex , having oral sex comes with some risks. There are many common sexually transmitted infections STIs that a person can contract from giving or receiving oral sex. Keep in mind that although knowing the signs and symptoms can be useful, the only way to receive a proper diagnosis of and treatment for an infection is by visiting a doctor or healthcare professional. Here are eight STIs that can be transmitted during oral sex. Genital herpes is one of the many infections you can contract from oral sex, said Dr. It doesn't really matter who is giving or receiving oral sex, the transmission can go either way.

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8 infections you can get from oral sex

Chances of Getting an STD: Separating Myths from Facts
Clue is on a mission to help you understand your body, periods, ovulation, and so much more. Start tracking today. In the United States, STI rates continue to rise, with estimates of 20 million new STI cases developing each year, half of which are among young people 1. Read on to get informed and learn how to protect yourself and your sexual partners.

Chances of Getting an STD: Separating Myths from Facts
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Oral sex is a regular and pleasurable part of many people's sex lives, yet misconceptions about the associated health risks are common. We talk to sexual health experts about how to stay healthy. Sexual behaviour in Britain has changed substantially in the past 60 years and an increase in the prevalence of oral sex among partners is a significant part of this shift. More than two thirds of participants in a Canadian study reported that oral sex was involved in their most recent sexual encounter, and other research has supported what many women already know - that receiving oral sex increases the odds of reaching orgasm. The prevalence of online porn has also encouraged the view that oral sex received, controversially, primarily by men is an expected part of every sexual encounter, with a designated ending.