Of facial disfigurements

860 2 years ago
Hemimaxillectomy of acquired palatal defects may predispose the patient to hypernasal speech, leakage of fluids into the nasal cavity, impaired masticatory function, and swallowing difficulties leading to a detrimental impact on the quality of life. Sequentially, it can also affect individual character and trust in social life, leading to social phobia and anxiety. This article presents prosthodontic management of a young male patient with deformation of the entire right half of the face due to surgical removal of odontogenic myxoma. It describes a method where the clinician utilized a simple, noninvasive, and cost-effective technique to cut the weight of the obturator and to attain aesthetics, utilizing a detachable lip and cheek plumper. Case Presentation. A year-old male attended the Prosthodontic Clinics at Faculty of Dentistry, the University of Khartoum, eight months after the surgical removal of a tumor.
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How Much Compensation For Facial Disfigurement Or Scarring

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We will only use your personal information provided here to deal with your enquiry. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy. The underlying reasons for the facial disfigurement that has been suffered will be considered when weighing up a compensation amount. This includes examining the extent of the injury and treatment required; whether or not there is facial scarring ; the age of the victim and what kind of social and psychological impact has arisen. How much is a facial scar worth?
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Detachable Lip and Cheek Plumper for Rehabilitation of Facial Disfigurement

It's produced by the Wellcome Trust, a global charitable foundation that supports research in biology, medicine and the medical humanities, with the goal of improving human and animal health. The content is produced solely by Mosaic, and we will be posting some of its most thought-provoking work. The story was published by Mosaic on June 23 Copyright The Wellcome Trust. Some rights reserved.
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