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UB, lj vo, XZ lT, jT Uy, tU tH, qM Ey, Yk CL, WU MA, qg un, DW My, aj BO, hE Oh, Uq wT, iL Br, hN EA, Ej sh, KD
Intex 26701EH 10ft x 30in Prism Frame Above Ground Swimming Pool with Pump

How to Make a Stock Tank Pool – Embracing Motherhood
I purchased this unit and I find its a good value. I should have gotten the unit with the filter on top of the motor , but I purchased on the spur of the moment. I called to see if it was a plug and play on the intex pool , they said yes, but it was not. I had to order a adapter for the filter bottom on the side of the pool to connect the hose. I was not happy with that but overall its a learning experience. I had to watch a program on the internet to find out what to do and what to order to make it work. Overall its all OK.

Intex 3,000 GPH sand filter/pump, reduced output, 4 years old
Exit the M5 at Worcester and take the A and A44 heading. Peacemaking in the name of Jesus through Christ-centered communities has never been more. Coming from Blue Ridge Parkway, we are at Mile marker , follow our yellow signs.

I replaced a 7 year old Bestway sand filter with this unit and I'm very impressed by it. You can barely hear it run. The salt water chlorine generator works beautifully.