First porn movie made

298 2 years ago
American pornography site Pornhub is adding a very special new feature today. That feature is a documentary by conceptual artist Leilah Weinraub, titled Shakedown. The movie is a stream-of-consciousness, non-fiction narrative piece, focusing on the experiences of men and women engaged in the lesbian strip club scene in Los Angeles. Shakedown has been featured in exhibits at the prestigious Whitney Museum and the MoMA over the last three years. Ladies and gents, Pornhub is now home to a piece of fine art. In alone , the site received million visits per day, but the company would not disclose just how many of those visits were made by men vs.
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Pornhub Releases Its First Ever Non-Porn Movie

If you appreciate porn classics, get ready for a nostalgic porn blast from the past! Many of the old French porn motion pictures begin with 2 girls lesbian scenes until a man appears, and a threesome ensues. All antique sex loops were transferred to digital format from genuine vintage film reels as is, without retouching or enhancing. You will probably be surprised to see how much hardcore smut we were able to collect from s and you will wonder to discover how much naughtiness was captured on film and highly explicit negatives before the 50s.
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As the star of one of the first full-feature pornographic film, Deep Throat , Linda Lovelace became a household name in the s. But there was reportedly a dark story behind her fame. She was often abused by her mother growing up, and her first husband forced her into porn. She died on April 22, , in Denver, Colorado. As the star of the first full-length pornographic film, Deep Throat , Lovelace became a household name in the United States in the s.
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With the rise of the internet over the past few decades, porn has become much less taboo. Although it might be seen as a positive that porn is no longer stigmatized, several people believe that porn addiction is on the rise. The most recent statistics said that one of the most biggest porn streaming sites in the world, Pornhub received 2.
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