Maintenance Conditioning Basics Keeping sick or malformed birds is discouraged. To fight well or to breed healthy game fowl you must start with the best quality birds you can afford. Birds MUST be immunized according to the veterinary recommendations for your area. Most local poultry feeds supply stores around the world can help you develop a vaccine program. I have posted my vaccine program and information on the vaccines on my website. Like all breeders and cockers I too have had birds that I have purchased as stags die suddenly when they reach 18 months old and also those beautiful cocks that get tired and are gasping for air after one buckle when sparring.

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The Best Vitamins for Fighting Cocks, What They are and What they are for

"Cockfighting and The Short Heel" Welcome Gamefowl Chicken Men!: Vitamin K and the Gamecock
By Carmel Crimmins , Reuters Life! Devotion, that is, to cockfighting. Rey, a Filipino man, cleans the wounds of his fighting rooster in the outskirts of Manila, July 17, Cockfighting is one of the most popular gambling sports for Filipinos. Millions of pesos change hands in the tournament, which stretches into the early hours of the morning. Some of the bouts are over in seconds and none last more than 10 minutes. Grim-faced handlers carry off losing birds with blood dripping from their blades.

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The chickens that saved Western civilization were discovered, according to legend, by the side of a road in Greece in the first decade of the fifth century B. The descendants of those roosters might well think—if they were capable of such profound thought—that their ancient forebears have a lot to answer for. Chicken is the ubiquitous food of our era, crossing multiple cultural boundaries with ease.

Without doubt, with the kind of evolution gamefowl breeding has undergone in the Philippines, the aspect of gamefowl conditioning has assumed a much greater role in the outcome of the match. Whereas, some time ago it was rather breeding or quality of the gamefowl that almost always told the difference between winning and losing, now, the situation could be a different story. In the s when the American gamefowl, then called Texas by Filipinos, started coming in from the US, they were so dominating that they virtually wiped our native fighting chickens—the Bisaya or Tagalog, Balulang or Batangas, the Bolinaos and the rest—out from the face of the earth. A couple of decades later, the Negros breeders, most of whom were rich hacienderos and as such had access to expensive breeds from the US, took over and dominated the cocking scene.