Breastfeeding has many benefits for your baby. Breast milk is rich in nutrients. It has antibodies, which help protect your baby against infections. It also can help prevent sudden infant death syndrome SIDS. Babies who are breastfed are less likely to have allergies, asthma, and diabetes. They also are less likely to become overweight.
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Breastfeeding: Hints to Help You Get Off to a Good Start
Signs your breast milk is flowing
The breastfeeding let-down reflex, also called the milk-ejection reflex MER , is an automatic natural reaction that happens in your body as your baby breastfeeds. When your child latches onto your breast and begins to suck, it sends a message to your brain to release the hormones prolactin and oxytocin. Prolactin is responsible for making more breast milk , and oxytocin triggers the let-down or release of your breast milk. Here you will learn about the signs of a let-down, how it feels, tips for stimulating the flow of breast milk, and how to deal with a slow or painful let-down. When you're breastfeeding, and your breasts release breast milk , you may notice these signs of the let-down reflex:. You may also notice the signs of milk letdown when you are not breastfeeding or pumping.
Nipple Confusion
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Your milk flow can be affected by emotions like anxiety, embarrassment, tension or extreme tiredness. Being relaxed when breastfeeding helps your milk flow. By compressing your breast you will encourage your milk to flow which will provide your baby with more milk.