Definition of sex and gender

318 2 years ago
As the statutory regulator charged with upholding equality and human rights laws and standards, we protect all people in Britain against discrimination on the basis of protected characteristics. It is an important part of our role to explain how the law works in practice. In the Equality Act the protected characteristic of sex protects people from being discriminated against because of being a man or a woman Equality Act , Section 11 — defined as a male or female of any age Equality Act , Section 1. A trans person can change their legal sex by obtaining a Gender Recognition Certificate through procedures set out in the Gender Recognition Act A trans person who does not have a Gender Recognition Certificate retains the sex recorded on their birth certificate for legal purposes. A person has the protected characteristic of gender reassignment if they are proposing to undergo, are undergoing or have undergone a process or part of a process to reassign their sex by changing physiological or other attributes of sex Equality Act , Section 7 1.
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Sex Definition and Examples - Biology Online Dictionary

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Definition noun, plural: sexes 1 The assemblage of character s or qualities of being a male or a female in animals and plants. Supplement In biology, sex may refer to the gender i. It may also pertain to the means by which gamete s may be introduced to combine and mix the genes with the genes of the partner. In regard to sex as gender , there are various ways to determine the sex of an organism:.
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This persistent ID distinguishes you from every other researcher. Automated linkages between you and your publications or reviews ensure that your work is recognized. Our partnership with Publons makes it easy for your journal's reviewers to showcase their peer review activities. Learn how they can get recognition for their reviews on their Publons profile via our submission systems. Authors should use the terms sex biological attribute and gender shaped by social and cultural circumstances carefully in order to avoid confusing both terms.
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