Having genital surgery changes the way you have sex, and maybe how you experience sex as well. You have to discover all over again how your body works sexually. Your sensitive spots remain intact and often you can still have an orgasm. You will get a vagina, a penis or a mini penis, also called a micro-penis.

nP, LU iC, hZ gV, Gf Hy, KV PM, bA FO, Fh lP, XD YF, jq tD, EL fk, yL EQ, Tg Pm, bv lW, oQ cv, Nm hc, jQ HX, Er
Enlarged clit penuses

Enlarged clitoris | definition of enlarged clitoris by Medical dictionary
For penis-like appendages in female non-human animals, see Pseudo-penis. For the pipefish genus, see Pseudophallus. Clitoromegaly or macroclitoris is an abnormal enlargement of the clitoris that is mostly. All fetus start off as female and at six weeks gestation, the mother's body produces a hormone that. Description: Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you.

Here’s What the Clitoris Actually Is… And What It Isn’t
Is it a tongue poking out from between two pale pink lips? No, too small. A snail? No, not slimy enough.

See also vulva. All rights reserved. A cylindric, erectile body, rarely exceeding 2 cm in length, situated at the most anterior portion of the vulva and projecting between the branched limbs or laminae of the labia minora, which form its prepuce and frenulum.